Calico (Walkthrough Home)


Hello and welcome to a complete Achievement Walkthrough for Calico on the Xbox One. The game has 13 achievements for 1000 Gamerscore. 6 of the achievements will unlock just for playing the story, and 1 other(for riding a large animal) will unlock in order for you to progress in the story. An 8th achievement is for riding an animal in the sky, which is not required for story completion, but is necessary to finish all of the Quests. The rest are essentially checklist completion quests. You get an achievement each for meeting every type (cat, dog, etc) of animal on the island, every named animal on the island, every villager, doing every quest for every villager, and completing your Cafe’s menu of food.

A few notes before we begin.

While I enjoy this game, there are a lot of problems and concerns. It is quite glitchy. I know the dev team is working hard on fixing problems, but there are still quite a few in the game. I’ll list a few that I’ve noticed that could affect your gameplay below.

MAJOR MAJOR GLITCH NOTICE – This seems to be fixed now, but I’m keeping it here as a warning anyways. Saving is very hit or miss. I HIGHLY recommend doing everything in one session because you can’t rely on the game saving properly. I’m not trying to be mean, and I know that the dev team is working hard to try to fix the issues, but at the time of writing it is still a problem. You can try Saving & Exiting right away after making your character but even if it works it does not guarantee that it will Save properly later, so be warned.

MAJOR MAJOR GLITCH NOTICE – This seems to be fixed now, but I’m keeping it here as a warning anyways. DO NOT attempt to re-name your animals in the Animal Menu. If you hit the Xbox Guide button while the keyboard is open, it crashes the game, and with Saving being a problem it could result in you losing all of your progress.

Minor Glitch – If Animals aren’t appearing, shops aren’t available or Quests aren’t starting when they should, I’ve noticed that sleeping in the bed and returning fixed things a lot. Not EVERY time, but often. 

Minor Glitch – You can have Animals follow you in your Party, which we do quite often preparing for later Quests. There will be times that I tell you to turn around to grab an animal from your Party, and they might not be there. The follow AI is sometimes incredibly dumb. If this happens you have two quick options. In all likelihood, they are near you but are stuck somewhere. You can try moving them to the Cafe, and then back to your Party. If that doesn’t make them appear, run away from where you are. If you get a certain distance away from the animal, the game re-spawns them near you. That one always worked for me, but if somehow you still don’t have them, make sure they are actually in your Party, then Teleport to the Cafe, sleep in the Bed, and then look for them. If you find them, pick them up and carry them to your objective. If you still can’t find them, your game may have glitched and unfortunately I have no advice for that one.

Minor Glitch – There is a Quest where you corral Capybaras that escaped. I’ve had this show up at two different times. This is one of the specific quests that seems to trigger after you’ve slept, so following my Walkthrough should lead you to it at the proper time, but if they aren’t around when I say, return to the Cafe and sleep.

Minor Glitch – This seems to be fixed now, but I’m keeping it here as a warning anyways. They actually made it so that the meetings trigger without everyone by auto-teleporting whoever is missing to the location. The Owl Club meetings are iffy. I once Saved and Quit during one, and when I returned to the game, one of the members refused to visit. Luckily, I was able to trigger everything without them. Also, once the Owl Club helps you open Cutie City, if you follow my Walkthrough, there is a chance that they just sit there forever instead of returning to their normal positions, so keep that in mind if you can’t find them later. They can still do their Quests, but they’ll be in that Mountain Pass between Snowbell Mountains and Cutie City.

This seems to be fixed now, but I’m keeping it here as a warning anyways. A LOT of the trees, at least for me, don’t spawn in. Not too much of a trouble, but stick to the paths when you can, so you aren’t running into invisible obstacles


The B button skips the entire bubble of text and will cancel out of dialogue if you press B at a dialogue choice. Pressing A skips to the end of the text bubble, but WILL select dialogue options. I recommend using the B button exclusive except for, obviously, choosing a dialogue option. It is much quicker using the B button, and there are a few spots where pressing A to skip text may change an objective, so keep an eye out. I mention when specific dialogue needs to be picked beforehand so for the most part, the B button will be fine. Pressing B when you have a dialogue choice cancels the entire conversation though, so it can cause some frustration if you’re clicking it too fast and end up canceling everything. Take it slowly and you should avoid frustration.

We are on a budget for Beans (currency) early on, so don’t deviate from what I do. 

There is one achievement that relies on RNG, and that is the Recipe one. Estelle and Oliver sell Recipes, and the ones that are required for Quests (Donuts, Bagels, and Croissants) are always available to purchase. Estelle also sells a Cupcake Recipe that is always available but not required for anything. However, Estelle sells a Cake, and Oliver sells Bread, Cornet, Cheesecake, Cream Puff and a Muffin that show up randomly. Estelle always has her shop in the opening Village area, but Oliver wanders to every part of the island except Witching Woods. Follow the Walkthrough’s advice for them, but even so, you may (like I did) get to the end of the game still needing a Recipe. Luckily, the Flying Broom makes this much easier. Estelle is easy; sleep, return to her shop, Teleport to Cafe, sleep, repeat until the Cake is there. For Oliver, you have to sleep, check the Map to find him, go there, Teleport to Cafe, sleep, repeat. Watch for if he goes to your Cafe during your playthrough, as you can exploit his AI to purchase everything quickly as long as you have enough beans. I have a video explaining the Methods for Oliver and Estelle HERE. UPDATE: Oliver also has a bedroom hidden behind the waterfall North of your Cafe. Inside is a Dresser with a Crown on top that functions as Oliver’s Shop. If you’re having trouble finding Oliver, simply use this as a substitute. It’s much faster to get to than trying to find his location.

Some of the Achievements don’t pop when they should, but there’s an easy fix. The Achievement for meeting all Villagers pops after you have met all Villagers AND open the Townsfolk Tab through the D-Pad. All of the checklist achievements, except Recipes, work like this. For both Animal achievements open the Animal Tab, and for Quests you have to open the Townsfolk Tab. Meaning you could unlock things at weird times if you don’t open the menus when you complete them.

As we work through the game I will be marking each quest, animal, etc with a checklist. For example:

Here you meet Bonkekook the Cat (1/63, 1/13).

It will list the Unique Animal # out of 63, and the Animal Type (Cat, Dog, etc) out of 13. However, if you have met a Cat already and run into another Cat, it will look like this:

You then see LAGWalkthroughs the Cat (2/63) off in the distance.

I will type it with the Unique Number, but not the Animal Type. Since you previously met a Cat, meeting another doesn’t progress the Animal Type Checklist, so it won’t be mentioned. The Animal Type only shows up if it is the first time you run into that type.

Continuing with examples:

Next to Bonkekook the Cat is Bonkekook the Villager (1/22) who offers you a Quest. The Quest requires you to bring him Cookies, starting “Intro Quest” (Quest #1).

Quests will be notated as above when you start the quest, and then when completed will notate how many out of 46 total we have turned in.

Head to the shop, buy the Cookie recipe(1/21) for 700 Beans, and head to your café to make some cookies! All of these will list their number out of the total number when they are discovered.

Return to Bonkekook and let him know his Cookies are ready. This completes the Quest (1/46).

After a Quest is completed the notation looks as it does above. The quest is not noted, and the fraction afterward is how many of the 46 Quests needed to unlock the Quest Completion Achievement we have finished.  

If you note any problems, feel free to let me know via the contact information at the bottom of the page.

Finally, as we go through, there are 3 animals that we cannot get on our first visit to an area. 1 is in Heart Village and the other 2 are in Cutie City. 2 of these require flight, and the third requires a Quest we can’t get until completing the Story, so don’t worry about the missing Animals on your list as we go through.

Important Stuff (i.e. Controls, Notes, etc)


2.1 Controls

      Basic Controls(outside)

Left Analog – Movement
Right Analog – Camera Rotation
LT – Zooms the Camera out
RT – Zooms the Camera in
LB – pulls out a Toy to play with the animals
RB – allows you to pet an animal when near it
Y – mounting animals
X – pick up animals
A – Jump
Menu/Start – Pause menu
View/Select – Opens your inventory
D-Pad Up – brings you to the Animal list
D-Pad Right – brings you to the Quests tab
D-Pad Left – Map tab
D-Pad Down – character customization screen

    Controls Inside Cafe –

Y – turns you into a cursor to select/place furniture
A – places/selects furniture
X (after selecting furniture with A) – will store the item in your inventory
RB/LB – rotates the selected furniture item  

    Controls when holding an Animal (if different)

B – Stores the Animal by placing them on your head/shoulders. This allows you to carry an animal and not have them in your arms or count against the 5 you can have in your Party.
LB – Allows you to Command the animal. You can send the animal to the Cafe, have them join your party or continue to roam free
RB – This is hilarious and allows you to twist and turn the poor animal in the air. I don’t know why it’s in the game, but it is goofy

    Controls when Cooking UPDATE: The latest update added over 20 different mini-games for Baking. These range from running on a hamster wheel to push your batter/cookies through the oven to cutting out shapes, to folding Macarons, to mixing, etc. None of them are super complicated, but I’m not going to cover the controls for all of them here

    Controls when Riding an Animal/Flying an Animal/Flying on Broom

RB – Changes move speed
Y – gets off Animal/Broom
Left Analog – Movement on ground, left/right change direction when flying and up/down change altitude


Furniture Tab – This is your inventory of furniture. Under furniture sets you can choose what style of furniture you are looking for, and selecting the grouping opens up to a Menu with all the items you have of that group.

Toy Tab – This is where all the Pet Toys are, and they are a matter of personal preference barely used at all. There is one in the late game that is required for a Quest, but you are given it automatically so there’s no need to worry about them.

Potions Tab – Potions are acquired throughout the game and can be used as many times as possible, though there are some restrictions depending on the potion. For example, an enlarging potion can only be used to enlarge an animal once, but then can be used again to shrink the animal and then enlarge them again. There are very few potions necessary to our walkthrough, but I will point out the ones that are.

Animal List – To start this is barren, but as you meet unique animals they will show up on this list. It also lists them based on the area of the Island they can be found. Once you have found them, you can dress them up with accessories, and choose whether they stay where they are, follow you around in your party, or hang out at the Café. The Party has a limit of 5, and the Café has a limit of 10. The Resource Page has a list of all 63 Animals and their location, as well as a labeled map to find them!

Quest List – This shows what Quests you have completed and what ones are currently active. To start, we have “Getting Started” (Quest #1). The Quest list will give you a brief description of what the Quest is about, and a list of objectives. If objectives have been mentioned they will be listed here (i.e. if Kiva asked you to put furniture in the café, and then make tasty treats, both objectives would be listed but incomplete), and if they are completed already, they will be green. You can use this menu to select a Quest to have its objective displayed on the Active HUD. You can also have more than 1 Quest displayed like this at the same time.

Character Customization Screen – You can always access this, and you will constantly be buying and unlocking new clothing and accessories for your character, so go as crazy as you’d like once you have your recipes purchased. Once you reach Cutie City, money is only important for the Oliver and Estelle recipes and one potion from Autumn, so as long as you can afford those you can purchase just about anything else you want.

Map – the Map is necessary for finding where Villagers are, especially since some have 2 or 3 locations they can be in. If you need to turn a quest in, it will probably save you some time to check the Map before you run off looking for them. The Resource Page will have a Map with all of the Villagers’ known locations on it. ALWAYS check your Map before running off to find a villager.

Townsfolk Tab – This doesn’t have a D-Pad shortcut, but you can get here by using the RB/LB from the Quest/Animal Tabs. You will want to remember this page. Once you’ve completed a Quest for a villager, they show up here with a picture and a brief description, as well as listing their preferred pronouns. On my playthrough, even though I had met every Villager and done all of their quests, the Achievements for those criteria didn’t unlock until I visited this Townsfolk Tab, so keep that in mind. The information for townsfolk will update as you progress through the game, but the important notes are the Hearts. When you have 3 Hearts with a character, they no longer will give you any new Quests. Most Villagers give 2 Quests but there are some that give 3 and some that only give 1. 

Cooking Mechanics – You’ll shrink onto the counter and have to use the spoons and an elevator to launch yourself around the counters to get ingredients. Some, like flour or sugar, you hold X to pour into the magical cauldron, and others, like eggs, you simply throw in. Every recipe needs different things. Some, like coffee, are simple, whereas others, like Cookies, have 6 different steps, including, mixing, baking and frosting.

Once back to normal size, hit X on the floating recipe book again, but don’t choose a recipe yet. You’ll notice that on the right side of the book, is a Display Case with room for 6 items, and below that it says “Hit A to Start Recipe” and “Hit X for Display Case”. They recently updated this, but when you make an item and place it in the tray, it automatically shows up in the first available of the 6 slots in the display case. To add an item to the display case, you need to have made it. Once you have, highlight it and Hit X. This will bring your cursor over one of the 6 display case slots. Pressing A on one of the 6 display case slots will place the selected item as one of the items you will sell at your Café.If you haven’t made anything fresh in a while, the items become stale. I’m not sure how this affects customer flow, if it does.

Miscellaneous: When you pick up an Animal, you can “Wiggle” them with RB. Holding RB and moving the left stick rotates the animal, and holding RB and moving the right sticks moves them side to side and up-and-down in front of you. There’s no achievement purpose to it, it is just there for fun.

Hitting B while holding an animal will “store” it, meaning it rides your shoulders or head as you run around. This does not count against your Party animals, so you can have 5 animals following around and still pick up and carry a 6th on your head, and even have a 7th in your arms.


There are 21 Recipes, 46 Quests, 63 Unique Animals across 12 Animal Types(there ARE more, but the extras don’t have an effect on Achievements), and 22 Villagers.

You start with a potion that instantly teleports you back to the Cafe. In this walkthrough, when I say to return to the Cafe, I mean by using the potion. Always.

I have done my best to streamline this walkthrough as much as possible, leaving out information that has no use. Many of the Quests give you item rewards, for example, and I don’t mention them because we don’t have a use for them. You are welcome to mess around with customization and things I don’t mention as much as you’d like afterward, but stick to my instructions for the Walkthrough.

Shop inventory is NOT static. It changes every day, which means an item that is mentioned at a shop may not be there. The quickest way to fix that is to head to your Cafe and sleep, then return. Specifically, this is useful for Oliver and his shop, as he has multiple Recipes that can appear, but keep this in mind for any specific shop items I mention.

Villagers all have multiple places you can find them. Most have their home, one other spot they visit, and your Cafe as potential places they can visit. The Resource Page will list the Villagers and the places I have seen them frequent, but I can’t guarantee I have seen all of them.

Some of the quests don’t need the SPECIFIC animal I use. Some just need a cat, some need a dog, etc. I don’t specify these in advance, though, so try to stick to my instructions.

And along with the inventory of stores being random, Money(Beans) is also a problem. Early on, money is VERY tight, which is why you should stick to my instructions. Once your Cafe gets set up and you start to meet more Villagers, they can go to your Cafe and purchase food, which will be your main source of income. However, it is random when your Cafe has customers, so if you are short on money, you may have to sit around waiting for customers to buy things. There’s no guide to any of that, because what the customers pay seemed to change depending on their likes, so I have no guide for any of that information. I recommend just putting a lot of chairs and Animals in your Cafe, filling up the Display Case and letting it run.

The recent Pawesome Update added 7 more Animals to the game, making the total 63. This has made the Animal Charmer Achievement, for getting all of the Types of Animal on the Island, more confusing. There were 5 new Animal Types added to the game(Goat, Cow, Sheep, Opossum, Alpaca) but none of these affected the Animal Type Achievement. Also, upon changing the order of events in my Walkthrough, I discovered that the Fox Type DOESN’T count toward this Achievement either. This means you only need Cat, Dog, Bunny/Rabbit, Bird, Red Panda, Deer, Bear, Capybara, Raccoon, Ferret, Horse and Pig for the Achievement.

This is NOT intended to be a spoiler-free Walkthrough. The information in this Achievement Walkthrough is intended to get the reader to 1000 GamerScore as quickly as possible. Good luck!

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